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OB12 Prepared construction


The Living Lab Scheveningen covers 11 zones, districts, in Scheveningen. The Smart City Infrastructure (SCI) will be projected in each zone according to the market needs of the local stakeholders in each geographic section of the specified areas.

This concept selection strives to clarify where, in which Living Lab zone, what type of Smart City Hubs will be installed (new build/conversion), in what combination of building blocks (Lighting+, Fibre or Capacity+) and with what auxiliary equipment (AUX). This configuration is done for the design of redevelopment projects such as The Healthy Coast, The North Harbour Jetty and the renovation of the tracks for tram 1 where LLS piggy-backs on the technical details and construction. The OB-00011 Configuration concept selection is to be expressly included in these projects as input and a part of the specifications of the SCI. This enables a no-regret investment to be made concurrently with the redevelopment through ‘prepared construction’ (for example the laying of jacket pipes).

Finally, the OB-00011 Configuration and the OB-00012 Prepared Construction concept selections give a first preliminary view of the potential number, varieties and types of AUX, hubs and support structures for the LLS.

Management summary

This management summary contains some crucial starting points (selections) that are described further in the document. The purpose of the table below is to clarify these starting points

1The LLS covers 11 zones in the district of Scheveningen. The geographic scope emerges from an analysis of the area, market research, the customer requirements collected, and the research questions in the issues for the Living Lab Scheveningen
2Collaboration with other developments in the area.Collaboration with other developments in the area must be sought during the development and construction of the SCI to benefit from the advantages that synergy brings. The roll-out of the SCI will follow the planning and procedures of other developments in the area.
3Distinguishing new/conversion.The SCI will be implemented both in areas where the outdoor space will be completely built (new builds), and in areas where the existing context will hardly be changed (conversion).
4Modular building configuration. Division into:
– types of Hub building blocks
– auxiliary equipment according to need
– type support structure according to function (form fits function)
5Flexibility.The configuration can be adjusted according to new understanding, changing preconditions, future developments.
6Laying jacket pipes.Every Hub potential repeater station in the configuration area will be fitted with jacket pipes in line with the modular direct buried concept to prepare for the laying of fibre.

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