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Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility

Smart Mobility in The Hague entails the smart organisation of the demand and supply of mobility services and resources, and optimising the infrastructure and the traffic systems that these need. Examples include the self-driving shuttle bus at the Haga Hospital; bike platforms; intelligent traffic control systems; and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). The objective is that everyone has access to a mobility system that is customised, sustainable, clean, affordable and connected. 

Smart Mobility is just one of the resources that can make the mobility transition in The Hague possible.

Smart Mobility is just one of the resources that can make the mobility transition in The Hague possible. The development of a concept selection/manual for Smart Mobility supports the mobility transition. The manual outlines the requirements for the physical & digital infrastructure and vehicles to prepare The Hague for the potential introduction of new, innovative and sustainable mobility concepts and services. The first case where the manual will used for Smart Mobility is in CID – Binckhorst.

De komende tijd zal gewerkt worden aan de ontwerpbesluiten rond Smart Mobility. Wilt u meepraten of heeft u relevante informatie om met ons te delen neem dan contact op via smartthehague@denhaag.nl.

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